Cannot read/write SRAM using upper MSB address bits

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I'm using an external sram (256kbx16b), with 16 bit data and 18 bit address, and I cannot read/write to the external sram when I'm accessing anything using the msb (addr bits 16 and 17).

accessing anything that does not require these bites (anything with addr bits 0-15) works just fine.

I found when I disconnect the 16 and 17 addr bits and tie them either high or low it works fine, but when these bits are connected to the PSoC 5lp and being selected by the emif component (an External Memory InterFace) it displays a random static value, I am expecting a specific set of changing values.

I have also verified the signals coming out of the psoc for address bits 16 and 17, and they seem to behave just as any of the other address bits are behaving. If I disconnect both the 16 and 17 wires, and then plug them in individually, whatever port on the psoc that was addressing the 16th or 17th bit freezes the data on my lcd.

the transfers to the ext sram are done via dma, while the reads are done directly using a pointer to the memory, this worked fine for previous srams, although they were 1Mbx8b instead.

this is consistent across gpio pins.

I'm using 512kbx16 sram: CY7C1041D

The sram is async.

again read/write with the PSoC works for all addresses on the sram that doesn't address using the upper 2 msb's.

Does anyone know what is going on?


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