Cannot Read GCM server response using JAXL php library

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I can connect to the server but cannot read the acknowledgements messages sent by the gcm server. I want to know how to retrieve the XML sent by gcm server. Here is my code :

require 'jaxl/jaxl.php';
$sender = 'sender id';
$client = new \JAXL(array(
 'host' => '',
 'port' => '5235',
 'force_tls' => true,
 'strict' => FALSE,
 'ssl' => TRUE,
 'log_level' => JAXL_DEBUG,
 'log_path'=> 'ex.txt'

  $client->add_cb('on_message_stanza', function($msg) {
 echo 'now what!!';
 $client->add_cb('on_auth_success', function() {
 echo 'it should';
 global $client;

 global $sender;
 $namespace = 'google:mobile:data';
 $arr = array('to'=>'server','message_id'=>'123','data'=>$arr);
 $json = json_encode($arr);
 $xml = new JAXLXml('gcm',$namespace,array(),$json);
 $msg = new JAXLXml('message','',array('id'=>'123'),'');
 global $client;
 echo 'error<br/>';
 _info('got on_error_message cb jid'.$client->full_jid->to_string());

In the callback 'on_auth_success', i am sending a message to gcm server directed to my server id, it is sending a negative acknowledgement 'nack' which i can see in the log, but I don't know how to receive that in php code. The XML received by gcm as per log is :

 <data:gcm xmlns:data="google:mobile:data">{"message_id":"123","from":"someid",

There are 2 answers


Oh, I got it, since the response message didn't had any type, I have to add the callback 'on__message', with 2 underscore, because middle value is the value of type attribute of the message which the response don't have.

Souverain Premier On

For an ACK, you can use message type 'normal', so the cb would look like below (I am just logging response):

$client->add_cb('on_normal_message', function($stanza) {
     global $client;
    // echo back incoming message stanza
    //$stanza->to = $stanza->from;
    //$stanza->from = $client->full_jid->to_string();
    _info('Received response******'.$stanza->to_string());

Also: in the example, you need to add


For us newbies.

Then it works fine with GCM.