Cannot match regex with on Twisted Framework ircbot

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I'll start with "I'm not familiar with Python". I'm trying to change the default ircbot script from twisted for my channel, but I cannot get re.match or working.

For example, this works:

prompt = ("%s" % self.nickname)
prompt1 = ("%s:" % self.nickname)
prompt2 = ("%s," % self.nickname)

if msg == (prompt1 + " whoareyou?") or msg == (prompt2 + " who are you?") or msg == (prompt1 + " whoareyou") or msg == (prompt2 + " who are you"):

This one as well

if msg == (prompt1 + " help") or msg == (prompt2 + " help"):

However these two conditions do not work on the bot (but they work on a local script):

if'%s[:,] help' % self.nickname, msg):

elif'%s[:,] who ?are ?you?' % self.nickname, msg):

A previous version of the script that is not using can be found here


There are 1 answers

victorbrca On

I have found what was causing the problem. Twisted included a logic to handle nickname collision for the bot. It adds a ^ at the end of the name:

# For fun, override the method that determines how a nickname is changed on
# collisions. The default method appends an underscore.
def alterCollidedNick(self, nickname):
    Generate an altered version of a nickname that caused a collision in an
    effort to create an unused related name for subsequent registration.
    return nickname + '^'

This was causing my bots nickname to end with nickname^, and because I used %s to add the nickname variable as part of the Regex, it interpreted the ^ as a modifier.

if'%s[:,] help' % self.nickname, msg):

To this:

if'nickname^[:,] help', msg):