When trying to install the appx file on my customer's machine (off store), I get the following error that says "MyProj.UWP installation failed", Reason: Unspecified error.
The app does install properly on my machine.
Any clue how I can trace down the error? The app wasn't installed on the target machine, from what I checked in Apps & Features.
Thanks to @Nico's answer, the unspecified error is gone, now I'm rather having this error:
Ask the developer for a new app package. This package may conflict with a package already installed, or it depends on things not installed here (package dependencies), or is made for a different architecture (0x80073CF3).
I selected Debug - x86 and Any CPU when packaging the app.
If your min target version is higher than the customer's machine OS version, it will fail to be installed. Please recreate app package with minimum sdk version to match the customer's machine.