I'm doing an app using Xamarin.Forms and I've already deployed the Android and iOS version to HockeyApp but I have a problem with the UWP (Windows 10 version)...
These are the steps I do:
- Right click on my UWP project
- Select "Store" option
- Select "Create app packages"
- A window pops and I select "No" and click "Next"
- Then I only select the ARM configuration
- Click "Next"
My package has been created and I drag n drop the .appxbundle file to hockeyapp.
Once the package is uploaded, I start my Windows 10 Mobile emulator and try to install it... I download it from HockeyApp and when I install it, nothing happens...
Do you have any idea where this problem comes from?
I'm using Visual Studio 2015.
Windows 10 mobile emulator not supported ARM, only x86/x64. You need the real device for test ARM package.