I am a new to python. I am have installed Python27 and Vpython on my windows 64-bit W8.1 laptop.
The python version was Py27 32-bits and Vpython 32-bits. After installation I thought I could directly run an example program from the VIDLE (File -> Open -> bounce). But I realized there is lot more to install to get this working.
So I googled the errors and found that I has to install Numpy and WxPython which I was able to complete successfully. But now I have this error shown below
"The Polygon module is not installed, so the text and extrusion objects are unavailable. The ttfquery and/or FontTools modules are not installed, so the text object is unavailable."
I googled for this but was not able to arrive at anything. Should I install Polygon module, FontTools and ttfquery module?
I was not able to fond a proper link to do any of the above. Kindly help me out. I have a hit a wall.
Hopefully was able to solve the issue.
The problem was with the way how I installed Vpython. I should have accidentally selected "custom installation" instead of "full installation".
Also the version of numpy that comes with default set-up did not support for me. Hence I used the pip to update the version and now everything is up and running.
I am able to get the example programs to work.
Also the 64-bit version is not working still. So its always safe to stick on to 32-bit version even if your machine is 64-bit