I followed instruction from https://dev.twitter.com/twitterkit/ios/compose-tweets to compose tweets via my Object C app for iOS 11
// Objective-C
TWTRComposer *composer = [[TWTRComposer alloc] init];
[composer setText:@"just setting up my Twitter Kit"];
[composer setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"twitterkit"]];
// Called from a UIViewController
[composer showFromViewController:self completion:^(TWTRComposerResult result) {
if (result == TWTRComposerResultCancelled) {
NSLog(@"Tweet composition cancelled");
else {
NSLog(@"Sending Tweet!");
However, after clicking Connect button at [Connect your account] screen, it turned back app without composing tweet (Twitter logged in already). It seems showFromViewController didn't run. Anyone had the same problem?
First of all get read/write permission on Twitter for your app.
TwitterLoggedInInfo key checking your exist only read permissions users, I mean using this key is an optional.