Cannot add service to apereo cas-overlay-template project. Application Not Authorized to Use CAS

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I am trying to add a service to cas-overlay-template project that I am deploying locally. My service json looks like this

  "@class" : "",
  "serviceId" : "^(http?|imaps?)://.*",
  "name" : "HTTPSandIMAPS",
  "id" : 8081,
  "description" : "This service definition authorizes all application urls that support HTTPS and IMAPS protocols.",
  "evaluationOrder" : 1,
  "logoutType" : "BACK_CHANNEL",
  "logoutUrl" : "http://localhost:8081/logout",

and I have saved it in the /etc/cas/services folder. I still get the message 'Application Not Authorized to Use CAS'. The url that I use to login to cas is https://localhost:8443/cas/login?service=http://localhost:8081/cas/login


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