Cannot access Wireguard Server when switching the network

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I have the following setup:

A VPS running wireguard and nginx (dockerized). My public domain points to the internal wireguard tunnel and is routed to my RaspberryPi in my local network (My raspberry runs wireguard acting as a client and homeassistant, also dockerized).

With that scenario, I can access my webpage, exposed from my pi, from anywhere. So far so good.

However, when I plug in the pi in a different network, I get the wireguard handshake but the webpage will only route to the correct endpoint and show a blank page (Chrome console says something about a ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR). On my network at home, I use an LTE router while my target network uses Vodafone Cable. That is the only difference that I can think of.

Does anyone have an idea, if I am overlooking something or if anyone had encountered something similar? I've read about different MTU sizes but I can't imagine that this might be the case. And also, with this setup I do NOT need any port-forwarding or port opening on the client-side.


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