How to cancel oid request. Can anybody please tell me detailed procedure? Suppose NDIS sends any request to miniport driver. How driver will cancel the request and send it to the miniport driver.
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There is some information on OID handling here. Each OID has a cancellation ID in
. If NDIS wants to cancel an OID request, NDIS will call into your miniport'sMiniportCancelOidRequest
handler, passing aRequestId
. Your miniport should compare theRequestId
to the request ID of the current OID request. If theRequestId
matches, your miniport should expedite the completion of the OID request, since the higher layers no longer need the operation to complete.However, your miniport driver is not obligated to cancel any request, and in particular, you should not waste time attempting to "undo" a request. NDIS knows that the cancellation may come "too late", and NDIS is prepared to issue additional OIDs to correctly roll back the operation, if needed.
So for a miniport, these are all valid ways to handle a cancellation request:
(or a failure code, if the operation failed).IoCancelIrp
, even though you attempted to cancel.For the "trivial" OIDs, don't bother implementing cancellation. For example, if you can satisfy
without going to hardware just by copying data into the OID's buffer, then don't bother trying to implement cancellation for this OID. Cancellation would just add a bunch of overhead without being truly useful.Cancellation is more useful when an OID request results in a blocking call to hardware (e.g., sending an
down to a USB gadget).Make sure that, if an OID requires multiple calls, and you cancel after the first call, you restore the hardware to a known state. For example, if handling
requires you to make 10 calls to hardware, and you decide to implement cancellation for this OID, you should safely restore hardware to its previous power state if the OID is cancelled after the 3rd hardware call.