I am using CANalyzer 7.0 and an trying to figure out how to determine in CAPL if the CAN bus has gone to sleep (no more messages being sent). How can I do this?
I tried to read BusLoad using sysGetVariableInt()
but it always returned zero. Perhaps I had the wrong namespace/variable name. Where can I find all system variables?
Edit - I've tried this:
BusLoad = sysGetVariableInt("_Statistics", "CAN1::Busload");
I've also tried changing the namespace but not sure where to find list of system namespaces.
Accessing statistics via system variables was introduced with CANalyzer/CANoe version 8.0.
As your are using version 7.0, try the following:
Starting from version 7.1, you would use:
From 8.0 onwards, you can use the systemvariables as in your initial question.
To answer your second question, you can get a list of all system variables from the Symbol Explorer.