I'm working on a Rails application and I want a form to render with AJAX when I click on a button. I have the routes set up so that when I click the button, rails goes to the NEW method in the corresponding controller but I don't want the controller to load new.html.erb . Instead, is it possible for the NEW controller to process a new.js.erb file? How can I do this? And more generally is it possibly for a method in a controller to route to a view or layout different than the default (for example. method index routes to random.html.erb instead of index.html.erb) Thank you.
Can your controller methods route to different pages other than the default in Ruby on Rails
85 views Asked by vshivakumar At
Ok here some points that might help you.
You need to add this to the form:
remote: true
then it will use the Ajax. then in the same folder that you have your view add yournew.js.erb
.Your best bet is here: https://github.com/railscasts/136-jquery-ajax-revised
You can see Ryan has made it with and without Ajax. Then you can do the redirection at the Javascript level when response to your Ajax was successful.
Sorry I don't have any code form you so I only can guess what things might look like at your end.
Anyway, here is the tutorial for Railscast http://railscasts.com/episodes/136-jquery-ajax-revised
It is a paid one so you might stick with the GitHub, up to you.
Hope it helps!