Can you make the bubble size and color dependend on a MDX measure in icCube amChart widget?

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I am trying to make a dynamic chart in icCube, in which bubbles are sized and colored in accordance with a specific data field in the MDX result set.

Example MDX result set: (the x/y coordinates have been removed for the sake of simplicity):

        amount  color     bullet size
Swiss    100    #0000FF       10
Spain    120    #FF0000       12
NL       70     #00FF00        7

I do not know how to do this now in the amChart widget in icCube, but I know it is possible to do this in amCharts itself. You can set for example the following attributes in the amCharts editor:

  • Alpha field, Bullet field, Bullet size field, Description field, Fill colors field, Label color field, Line color field, ... etc (see for more in the amCharts live editor).

Enclosed a sample chart with two series, in which one has colored bubbles: example

Is it possible in icCube web reporting to do this, and if so, how?


There are 2 answers

Tom van den Berg On

Yes it is possible:

The table should look like this:

example data

In your amCharts bubble widget, add the following in Graph:

"colorField":"color" //the name of the column that contains the colors

and set use mdx colors to "no".

color field

I named my colorField "kleur". Any value here is possible, but it has to be the same as the column name that contains the colors.

István On

Yes you can, just you have to write the following into the "Extra Options" field:

        xField: "your_x_field",
        yField: "your_y_field",
        valueField: "amount",
        bulletSizeField: "bullet size",
        bullet : "round",
        colorField: "color"

Note that, your graphs defined above will be overwritten by this one, you have to specify here all the graph settings.