I know facebook uses fbml, but curioius.. is there any way to display the results of a php script that is currently being displayed on my website? It's only 3 little small rows of info.. but it updates dynamically and that's why I'm questioning this.
Can you insert php into a facebook fanpage.. on any level?
450 views Asked by John At
There are 4 answers

Fan pages can contain tab applications. These are scheduled to use conventional html via an iframe container this quarter, which would be able to contain the results from any site or server you wish. At the moment, you can produce a similar result by inserting an fb:iframe into the tab applications fbml.
Here are the step by step instructions
Goto http://www.facebook.com/developers/ click on "+Set Up New App" button at top right give your application a name and create it. Now you are on settings page. Click facebook instructions then in "Canvas URL" enter your web page URL. Then in tab sections at bottom use tab name and URL. Don't forget to enter your "Canvas Page" name.