I have a bunch of webrtc streams represented in an angularjs view and I want to visualize which ones are over a certain volume threshold where I can then listen to those ones one at a time. Is this possible? Everything I find seems to require you to attach the stream to your audiocontext to calculate the volume. And this plays the stream. Can you calculate the volume without playing the stream? I have been playing with hark.js for volume threshold detection.
my stream is derived from a 3rd part rtc library but ultimately I have a bunch of webrtc streams and want to listen to one at a time while visualizing which ones are making noise. Most examples of this seem to have this logic on the broadcasters side.
The hark code pretty much does the following:
var audioContextType = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var audioContext = new audioContextType();
var analyser = audioContext.createAnalyser();
analyser.fftSize = 512;
analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.1;
var node = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
node.connect(analyser);//plays stream
var fftBins = new Float32Array(analyser.fftSize);
//check fftBins for volume data
-also I get the streams from an icelink, 3rd party webrtc library, object. The video collection in the view is created from a bunch of streams like so
var remoteStream = fm.icelink.webrtc.linkExtensions.getRemoteStream(link);
var videoObject = angular.element('<video></video>');
videoObject.attr('src', window.URL.createObjectURL(remoteStream.getBackingStream()));
videoObject.attr('autoplay', 'true');
I am trying to overlay some visual indicators to show sound level on different video streams without playing them
You don't have to "play" a stream to hook it up to an
. Justconnect
to an analyser, and omitnode.connect(audioCtx.destination)
to forgo default speaker output.