I am newbie to Threejs and I am trying to use axesHelper to visualise the three axis of all the objects in a scene. Earlier I was using simple Meshes and all the helpers were working fine. Recently I've moved few objects to Instanced Meshes and the helpers have stopped working for them. I have confirmed this by trying with two helpers.(arrow and axes helper)
I am using react-three-fiber to write for writing my threejs in JSX style. Here is the code which used to work for me.
position={[geometry.position.x, geometry.position.y, geometry.position.z]}
<meshLambertMaterial color={'red'} />
<axesHelper />
Here is the new one which doesn't work.
args={[(null as unknown) as BufferGeometry, (null as unknown) as Material, objects.length]}>
<coneBufferGeometry args={[0.1, 0.1]}>
<instancedBufferAttribute attachObject={['attributes', 'color']} args={[colorArray, 3]}/>
<meshLambertMaterial vertexColors />
<axesHelper />
So now I wanted to confirm if we can use these helpers for instanced meshes or not? I tried looking into three's documentation but was not able to find any answer related to this question. I am on Threejs r127.
As an option, you can decompose the matrices of instances and pass these values in attributes for
, based on geometry ofAxesHelper
.It's just an example, not the ultimate solution.