Can we handle Assert fail in try and catch in testNG

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I am trying to automate application using selenium webDriver + TestNG.

In which I am using multiple assert statement like Assert.assertEquals("Dhaval", "Dhaval1");

and I am trying to catch the assertionfail exception using try& catch block. as i am filling up an excell sheet for test result .

But any how while assertion fails application direct stop execution and catch block is will not execute.

Any suggestion.

Thanks in Advance!!!!


There are 3 answers


Catching exceptions on test assertions is a bad practice, they are asserts for a reason. What you want to do is implement custom ITestListener and define required logic in onTestFailure(ITestResult result) method, code in this method will be executed if case will fail.

Ranjith's On

Try this:

try {
Assert.assertEquals("Dhaval", "Dhaval1");
catch (AssertionError e) {
Assert.assertEquals("Dhaval", "Dhaval");
lucrib On

If you are handling the tests results inside the test methods to save it to the spreadsheet, you are doing a bad practice. Take a look here to void this:

Else, if you really need to do this:

try {
    Assert.assertNotEquals(actualValue, expectedValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
    // Thread the excpetion here