Can we detect when google bot crawl my page ASP.Net

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i need to programmatically detect when Google bot or any other search engine bot crawl our web site page. i have logic in Application_BeginRequest of my global.asax that when any page is requested then i try to read two cookies value and if anyone is missing then i redirect user to a specific page from where user select country and from there few cookies are dropped in user pc.

protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    string strCountryCookie = BBAreman.CountryCookie.GetCookieValue();
    string strShippingCookie = BBAreman.CountryCookie.GetShippingCookieValue();

    if (Request.Url.ToString().IndexOf(".asmx") == -1)
    if (strCountryCookie.Trim() == "" || strShippingCookie.Trim() == "")
        if (Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority).ToString() + "/index.aspx?ShowCountry=true" != HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString())

now when Google bot access any of our page then bot is redirecting to a specific page and not being able to access any of page. as a result our web site is loosing ranking.

i never face this guys please guide me how to handle this situation. thanks


i got a routine like

If(Request.Browser.Crawler) Then
    'this is a web bot
    'this is a regular user
End If

i guess the above way i can detect that bot is crawling my page or any human? just tell me am i on right track or not ?


i solved it this way

public class Utility
public static bool IsCrawlByBot()
        List<string> Crawlers = new List<string>()
            "botlink","alkalinebot","araybot","undrip bot","borg-bot","boxseabot","yodaobot","admedia bot",
            "","confuzzledbot","coolbot","internet cruiser robot","yolinkbot","diibot","musobot",
            "dragonbot","elfinbot","wikiobot","twitterbot","contextad bot","hambot","iajabot","news bot",
            "spbot","tweetedtimes bot","mj12bot"," bot","psbot","robot","jbot","bbot","bot"

        string ua = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent.ToLower();
        bool iscrawler = Crawlers.Exists(x => ua.Contains(x));
        return iscrawler;

protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if (!Request.Browser.Crawler)
            if (!Utility.IsCrawlByBot())
                string strCountryCookie = BBAreman.CountryCookie.GetCookieValue();
                string strShippingCookie = BBAreman.CountryCookie.GetShippingCookieValue();
                if (Request.Url.ToString().IndexOf(".asmx") == -1)
                    if (strCountryCookie.Trim() == "" || strShippingCookie.Trim() == "")
                        if (Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority).ToString() + "/index.aspx?ShowCountry=true" != HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString())

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