Can the PayPal JavaScript SDK show a "Pay with Venmo" button?

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My ecommerce site uses the PayPal JavaScript SDK to accept payments. The Payment Methods section of the SDK documentation lists Venmo as a payment method. But the paypal.Buttons.render method only makes a PayPal button. When I click the button, I don't see an option to pay with Venmo. How do I configure the PayPal JavaScript SDK to process a Venmo payment?


There are 1 answers


2023 update:

For desktop web venmo can show as an option if &enable-funding=venmo is on the SDK line, the currency is USD, and the payer has a US IP. On mobile browsers it can show for Safari on iOS and Chrome on Android, specifically, assuming the Venmo app is installed.

In sandbox mode &buyer-country=US can be added to simulate testing with a US IP. Do not add this parameter in live mode, the buttons will not render.

2020 answer: Assuming you are rendering multiple buttons (the default layout:vertical, or layout:horizontal for two), a blue Venmo button will show to eligible mobile users with a US IP address who have Venmo installed on their device.

This might change in the future so any mobile user with a US IP sees Venmo. In any case, no configuration is necessary by you. All you need to do is render multiple buttons (the default) and not disable Venmo as a funding method (also default)