Most of the examples of the Cake Pattern I've come across appear to consider dependencies as singleton type services; where there is only one instance of each type in the final assembly of components. Is it possible to write a configuration that has more than one instance of a particular type, perhaps configured in different ways, when using the Cake Pattern for dependency injection?
Consider the following components. Generic HTTP service:
trait HttpService { def get(query:String):String }
trait HttpServiceComponent {
val httpService:HttpService
class HttpServiceImpl(address:String) extends HttpService {
def get(query:String):String = ...
Trade & Company services, that each depend on an HttpService, which may be different instances:
trait TradeService { def lastTrade(symbol:String):String }
trait TradeServiceComponent {
this:HttpServiceComponent => // Depends on HttpService
val tradeService:TradeService
class TradeServiceImpl extends TradeService {
def lastTrade(symbol:String):String =
httpService.get("symbol=" + symbol)
trait CompanyService { def getCompanySymbols(exchange:String):String }
trait CompanyServiceComponent {
this:HttpServiceComponent => // Depends on different HttpService instance
val companyService:CompanyService
class CompanyServiceImpl extends CompanyService {
def getCompanySymbols(exchange:String):String =
httpService.get("exchange=" + exchange)
Main app component that depends on Trade & Company services:
trait App { def run(exchange:String):Unit }
trait AppComponent {
this:CompanyServiceComponent with TradeServiceComponent =>
val app:App
class AppImpl extends App {
def run(exchange:String) =
companyService.getCompanySymbols(exchange).split(",").foreach(sym => {
val lastTrade = tradeService.lastTrade(sym)
printf("Last trade for %s: %s".format(sym, lastTrade))
Is it possible to wire up the App so that its TradeService uses a HttpService that points to one address, and its CompanySerivce uses a different HttpService instance pointing to another address?
This compiles and runs as expected, but it leaves a lot to be desired: