Can anyone help me in understanding the following code:-
int r, countIt(int n) {
while (r += " 2 "[n % 10] & 3, n /= 10);
return r;
I found this code in one of the challenges of,
This is a solution for counting number of holes in a number.
1111 = 0
0000 = 4
1234 = 0
8888 = 8
I am not able to understand the following things:
1. Logic of this code
2. comma (,) operator used in return data type of the function
3. Use of []operator after string.
4. And actually the whole code.
I looked up the link you provided. After carefully observing the code i came to following conclusion.
is equivalent to writing as
now for
is equivalent to:
Now comes the logical part of the code
let me give you some basics.
will give you output
now if you watch carefully the code in link which you provided its something like this:
is nothing but
Now its time to explain how this code is calculating number of holes. The ASCII value of TAB is 9 whose binary equivalent is 1001. The ASCII value of SPACE is 32 whose binary equivalent is 100000.
so bit wise anding TAB with 3 will result
bit wise anding SPACE with 3 will result
replacing TABs with 1 and SPACEs with 0 hence this concludes as writing
n % 10 is the low-order decimal digit of n. We use that as an index into a string literal, which contains information about how many holes is there in that low-order decimal digit then add it to result r.