I'm trying to reset an app-server from an LDAP configuration to default values at the command line using REST but it appears to not be working. The external-security element does not exist on the JSON or the XML marklogic properties webpage located on the 8002 port if it is not set.
I think this might be a bug. I've tried null, 0, \0, [], and many other forms of null in JSON. The XML form does not work either.
curl -X PUT --anyauth -u admin:$(cat pass) --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '{"authentication":"digest", "internal-security":true,"default-user":"nobody", \
"external-security":"" }' \
{"errorResponse":{"statusCode":"500", "status":"Internal Server Error",
validate strict { $nsfix } -- Invalid node type: srvprop:external-security lexical value
\"\" invalid for expected type #srvprop:external-security at
/srvprop:http-server-properties/srvprop:external-security using schema