Can't run Hyperloop project

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I've downloaded the latest SDK from master as explained here:

I've also downloaded the latest Hyperloop from here and followed the instructions in the PDF file.

I created a new Alloy project, in tiapp.xml I've created the plugin and module and ran my empty project. it didn't seem to complete compilation. it is stuck on:

[INFO] :   Alloy compiler completed successfully
[WARN] :   Hyperloop is currently available in Beta and should not be used for production applications.
[INFO] :   Starting Hyperloop assembly
[INFO] :   Skipping Hyperloop compile, no usage found ...

I have also tried downloading the Hyperloop examples project. Output was a little different there - but still did not complete compilation. Here's the output:

[INFO] :   Alloy compiler completed successfully
[WARN] :   Hyperloop is currently available in Beta and should not be used for production applications.
[INFO] :   Starting Hyperloop assembly
[INFO] :   [Hyperloop] Building CocoaPods dependencies
[WARN] :   The iOS framework "javax.crypto.KeyGenerator" could not be found. Are you trying to use "JavaScriptCore" or "JBChartView" instead? (android/alloy/controllers/touchid.js)
[WARN] :   The iOS framework "javax.crypto.Cipher" could not be found. Are you trying to use "JavaScriptCore" or "JBChartView" instead? (android/alloy/controllers/touchid.js)

The instruction PDF mentioned that I need to download SDK 5.2.0 - but it doesn't exists in builds - so I downloaded 6.0.0.xxxxxxx

How can I make Hyperloop run?


There are 2 answers

Hans Knöchel On

This issue has been fixed with Titanium SDK 5.4.0.GA and Hyperloop 1.2.0.

Fokke Zandbergen On

Judging by..

[WARN] :   The iOS framework "javax.crypto.KeyGenerator" could not be found. Are you trying to use "JavaScriptCore" or "JBChartView" instead? (android/alloy/controllers/touchid.js)
[WARN] :   The iOS framework "javax.crypto.Cipher" could not be found. Are you trying to use "JavaScriptCore" or "JBChartView" instead? (android/alloy/controllers/touchid.js)

it looks like you compile for iOS, while HL still tries to parse the Android specific controllers - which it shouldn't. This bug has already been reported at the Appcelerator JIRA and can be tracked via:

To download a 5_2_x nightly you could use appc ti sdk install -b 5_2_x.