Can't reproduce Eclipse commande line for Maven project with proxy

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In a work context I have inherited a Springboot-Maven project that aims to create a rest API. Having the previous snapshot (.jar built by maven) I can run it with visual studio code ( that what used the previous dev ). Unfortunatly I can not maven installthe project from VS code or command line in terminal, as I run into proxy problems, I tried to configure it into {user}/.m2/settings.xml but it does not seem like VS code is taking it into account. But here is the trick: Eclipse did find it and can use it. (So the settings.xml is correctly written and can be used).

Now I am trapped in a situation where I build with Eclipse and run the .jar with Visual studio code, can you see the problem ?

When running mvnw -s {user}/.m2/settings.xml install -f pom.xml(same result with or without the settings.xml) I get the following error:

Found "C:\Users\\Documents*.mvn\wrapper\maven-wrapper.jar" Exception in thread "main" Connection timed out: connect at java.base/ Method)

I am asking for help as I am new to Maven and would like to understand how can Eclipse use correctly my settings.xml and I can not seem to make use of it.

Thanks for reading.


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