Can't remove MaxPermSize argument from pivotal tc server Eclipse run configuration

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I am running Spring Tool Suite 4 and have been using pivotal tc server for my local development server. The pivotal tc server has been displaying a warning for a while that MaxPermSize is deprecated, which hasn't been a big issue since it is only a warning.

However, I am not attempting to upgrade from Java 11 to Java 17, and now the server will not start up because of the error Unrecognized VM option 'MaxPermSize=256m'. Unfortunately, if I attempt to edit the server run configuration and remove the -XX:MaxPermSize=256m VM argument, it is automatically added back in. I assume it is the Pivotal tc Server Integration for Eclipse that is adding the argument back in.

Does anyone know how to get it to not add the argument back in, since it is preventing the server from starting?

  • STS version: 4.13.0.RELEASE
  • Pivotal tc Server Integration for Eclipse version:
  • pivotal tc server version: 4.0.2.RELEASE

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