Here is my temp.js
angular.module('temp', [])
.service('tempFactory', function() {
this.a =10;
and here is my temp.Spec.js
describe('temp', function() {
var tempFactory;
beforeEach(function() {
var mockedTempFactory = {};
module('temp', function($provide) {
$provide.value('tempFactory', mockedTempFactory);
mockedTempFactory.a = 20;
inject(function(_tempFactory_) {
tempFactory = _tempFactory_;
it('console.log of a property', function() {
In console I get value of 20.
But if I define tempFactory like this:
angular.module('temp', [])
.constant('tempFactory', {
a: 10;
In console I get value of 10.
Why can't I redefine tempFactory which was initially defined as constant, but can redefine tempFactory which was initially defined as service, value or factory?
Because when you create a service, you provide a constructor function to it
Angular then creates an instance of this function kinda like this:
and returns back exactly that instance, so you could access the
property right away.But the constant does not do anything, it just returnes what you've passed to it, so
will just return a function back to you. If you want to be able to access the property
in this situation, then you have to "instantiate" it:See the plunker.
You can read more about the behavior of different provider in the documentation.