I can't figure out why my script is not reading and storing the first row of the CSV file. It is starting with the second row for some reason.
I have the following code (reading from a 2 column CSV file):
Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
'this just gets the folder where the csv file lives
sDir = GetiMacrosFolder("DataSources")
strConnect = "Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};" & _
"DefaultDir=" & sDir & ";"
rs.Open "select * from test.csv", strConnect
count = 0
Do Until rs.EOR
ReDim Preserve var1(count)
var1(count) = rs.fields(0)
ReDim Preserve var2(count)
var2(count) = rs.fields(1)
count = count + 1
If I then do a MsgBox(var1(1))
, it shows me the value in row 3 and not row 2 like it should.
object reads the first line of the CSV as the table headers, so the second line is the first data row. You can avoid this by using a driver that you can instruct not to do that:or by placing a
like this alongside the CSV:Note that
only works when your file is actually comma-separated and you have the comma defined as the field separator character in your system's regional settings. Otherwise you need to specify your delimiter character in that file: