I'm trying to use the hashcode of a guid as a random voucher name for a website, and have been trying to write new records to a SQL table with the Hashcode variable but it doesn't work.
command.Parameters.Add("@voucherName", SqlDbType.NVarChar)
command.Parameters("@voucherName").Value = Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()
When using that code it just puts a whole Guid in the field. How can I make sure it's only going to use a hashcode instead?
This is the full function used to add the record to my database. It is passed a guid from another function to act as strID
Dim connect As New SqlConnection
Dim query As String = ""
connect.ConnectionString = "SERVER = SERVER-SQL01; Trusted_Connection = yes; DATABASE = GlobalPCSQL"
query = "INSERT into dbo.X_WW_VOUCHER_DETAILS (vID, voucherName, expiryDate, validUses, cartOrItem, validStockCode, discountAmount, dollarOrPercent, freebieStockCode, chkCartTotal, cartTotalOverUnder, cartTotalAmount, chkItemPrice, itemPriceOverUnder, itemPriceAmount, chkNoInCart, noInCartOverUnder, noInCartAmount, chkNoOfProduct, noOfProductOverUnder, noOfProductAmount, chkRequiredStockCode, requiredStockCode, category, description) "
query += "VALUES(@vID, @voucherName, @expiryDate, 1, 0, , 10, 1, , 1, 0, 200, 0, , , 0, , , 0, , , 0, , , Welcome Voucher, 10% off first order over $200. Valid 7 days.)"
Dim command As New SqlCommand(query, connect)
command.Parameters.Add("@vID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier)
command.Parameters("@vID").Value = strID
command.Parameters.Add("@voucherName", SqlDbType.NVarChar)
command.Parameters("@voucherName").Value = Guid.NewGuid.ToString().GetHashCode()
command.Parameters.Add("@expiryDate", SqlDbType.DateTime)
Dim exDate As DateTime = DateTime.Now
command.Parameters("@expiryDate").Value = exDate
What's really weird is that whether I use guid.newguid().toString()
or strID.toString()
to start things off... both vID and voucherName end up with the same guid as their value.
Well, are you looking for a hashcode like this?
Then this answer might be useful:
Extracted from here. On the linked post there are many other useful answers. Please take a look!
Other useful links:
Edit: Doublechecking your code, you might change it from