Can't log into a commandline created superuser using Django but account gets created

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I have created a superuser that i can't log into, using the docker-compose.yml commands:

sh -c "sleep 5 &&
 echo A-fj... create superuser acct... &&
 python createsuperuser --noinput --username $DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME  --email $DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL &&
 echo Z-fj... create superuser acct... done. &&
sleep 5 "

The environment variables display perfectly, and an account gets created that i can see in the db using dBeaver.

When i manually add a second user via "$python createsuperuser" dialog, i end up with an account that i can log into.

When i copy the password from User2 to User1, i can then log into User1 using User2 password, so it seems to be a password thing.

When i compare the passwords from User1(orig) and User2(new), they look to be different formats...

I'm not sure, but thinking it may be a clue to the problem... Password1 is shorter and has no sections where Password2 is longer...



Password2: pbkdf2_sha256$120000$IAkHkB3ME9aB$p0hrZPkLeSWK0IafqVQ1dEtR5kgBol7WnU7QELoo6KE=

I've tried a few different passwords, just in case, but no go

Screenshot comparing 2 passwords in dBeaver


There are 3 answers

iklinac On

You should set DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD environment variable in non interactive mode otherwise the password would not be set (Django password would be set to unusable string in this case)

as documentation states

In non-interactive mode, the USERNAME_FIELD and required fields (listed in REQUIRED_FIELDS) fall back to DJANGO_SUPERUSER_<uppercase_field_name> environment variables, unless they are overridden by a command line argument. For example, to provide an email field, you can use DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL environment variable.

Michele On

Are you attempting to set the env vars with the lines that look like


Because I think that is just echoing that string which is why the superuser is being created without a password.

If you're not sure if the vars are being set before you invoke createsuperuser, dump your env vars right before that command.

Try removing the echo.

Fred On

No, the echo is just echoing. Just there for troubleshooting