I tried to build and distribute couple of Adhoc distribution build with bit code and without bitcode .. and generated build on both Diawi and installonair anyway the link installed on 2 devices without any problems. 1. iphone x - ios 14.1 and iPhone 6s - ios 14.2 but it's not installing on my manager's iPhone xs - iOS 14.2 :(. I am receiving following message on his phone "Unable to install - This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified. I think this problem happens only after I updated to Xcode 12.2 and I am still running on macOS catalina version 10.15.7.
Can't install my Adhoc ios build in a specific ios Device (iPhone XS - iOS 14.2)
5.9k views Asked by Swiosift At
Remove anything you have in embedded framework and archive it again, It worked for me. I had Pods framework of my own project that generated by automatically after I removed that and archive again it worked. And also I used fresh distribution certificate and bundle identifier. Hope it will helps for some developers.