can't install get_cli flutter

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I want to install get_cli but when running the command below, error is found

flutter pub global activate get_cli

the error

Warning: Executable "get" runs "bin/get.dart", which was not found in get_cli.

Warning: Executable "getx" runs "bin/get.dart", which was not found in get_cli.

I have entered the path below to the environment

export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"


There are 5 answers

Bhavin D On

You can downgrade to 1.6.0 with

dart pub global deactivate get_cli
dart pub global activate get_cli 1.6.

Ref Github Issue

Naushad Husain On

Explanation of error occurred due to this reason=>

// to install get_cli 1.6.0 version for proper working instead of get_cli^1.7.1

//first of all deactivate get, getx version of 1.7.1 then install get_cli ^1.6.0

Do the steps

step=1> flutter pub global deactivate get

Step=2> flutter pub global deactivate gets

step=3> dart pub global activate get_cli ^1.6.0

//this will surely help you if you follow these steps

zzy On

enter image description here

Perhaps you need to turn on developer mode to support flutter command line input

tva3777 On

dart pub global activate get_cli

Parthish On

it show essay


Install it You can install the package from the command line:

dart pub global activate get_cli


flutter pub global activate get_cli

if you use cmd to install getcli

if you install Get_Cli using cmd thenafter installtion in cmd you show

  • Pub installs executables into C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\bin that path set system variables in PATH add new PATH veriable PATH

if you use other terminal then after installesion go your file maneger

  • C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\bin go and check it after copy that path and create new system verible as normal.