hi i'm trying to inject ngtorage to handle sessions locally, i tried different ways to do it but without results:
here is my app.js
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ngStorage']);
loginController.js in a separated file:
myApp.controller('logincontroller', ['$scope', '$http','log', function($scope, $http ,log,$sessionStorage)
$scope.auth = function(){
if (data.data.log == true){
$scope.logged = true;
$scope.success = "Hey ! t'es connect";
$sessionStorage.user = data.data.pseudo;
$scope.erreur = "connexion echouée";
$scope.error = true;
and authSerivce.js the service that i'm injecting into my controller
angular.module('myApp').factory('log', ['$http', function($http){
/*Check whether the user is logged in
* @returns boolean
isLoggedIn: function isLoggedIn(){
return session.getUser() !== null;
/*Log in
* @param credentials
* @returns {*|Promise}
logIn: function(username, pwd){
return $http
.post('/login', {'username':
username, 'pwd': pwd})
if (data.log == true){
//$localstorage.user= data.pseudo;
return data;
return data;
/* Log out : on peut se poser la question d'une requête HTTP ! pour faire le
ménage côté serveur ?!
* @returns {*|Promise}
logOut: function(){
return $http
// Destroy session in the browser
the line returning error is
$sessionStorage.user = data.data.pseudo;
the error is Cannot set property 'user' of undefined
help much appreciated guys
You are missing
in the order of parameters , change it as follows