I'm trying to run CmdRunner and stuck with inability to point it to my DB.
I wrote a simple configuration file:
mondrian.catalogURL=file://<my schema definition>
mondrian.test.jdbcURL=jdbc:mysql://<my server and credentials>
And trying to run it as
$ ./bin/run.sh -p prop.properties
When I execute a query I receive an error Mondrian Error:Internal error: Error while creating SQL connection: Jdbc=jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart
No suitable driver found for jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart
. I have no idea where does it take odbc from.
How can I set my own DB URL?
PS I had a lot of trouble just getting it running. Both run.sh and build.sh are broken (at least in sources found here). Is it generally supposed to work?
I've you found a solution to this problem. I've having the same issue with mondrian 3.11 and I've worked around by setting my jdbc settings in the