Can't get MiradorImageTools Plugin to work

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I'm trying to get the MiradorImageTools plugin to work with mirador image viewer.

I'm using a very basic html page to test:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <div id="my-mirador" />

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="[email protected]/umd/mirador-image-tools.min.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
      const config = {
        "id": "my-mirador",
        "manifests": {
          "": {
            "provider": "Harvard University"
        "windows": [
            "imageToolsEnabled": "true",
            "manifestId": "",

      // var mirador = Mirador.viewer(config);
      var mirador = Mirador.viewer(config, [MiradorImageTools]);  // <-- Error!



This gives me the following error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: MiradorImageTools is not defined
    <anonymous> ./test3.html:36

If I leave the plugin out, replacing the problematic line with the commented-out line above it, the whole thing works and I get mirador showing as it should.

So clearly I'm referencing the plugin wrong. But what would be the right way to do it?


There are 1 answers


To use MiradorImageTools, and any other Mirador plugin (as of v3.0.0), you will need to import the packages and create a build of the project using a tool like Webpack or parcel.

An example of this type of setup can be seen here: that includes examples using both Webpack and parcel.

import Mirador from 'mirador/dist/es/src/index';
import { miradorImageToolsPlugin } from 'mirador-image-tools';

const config = {
  id: 'demo',
  windows: [{
    imageToolsEnabled: true,
    imageToolsOpen: true,
    manifestId: '',
  theme: {
    palette: {
      primary: {
        main: '#1967d2',

Mirador.viewer(config, [

See the README there for more information about how to build for the specific tools.