can't get akka streams / alpakka S3 to work in simple case

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I'm doing what I think is a very simple thing to check that alpakka is working:

val awsCreds = AwsBasicCredentials.create("xxx", "xxx")
val credentialsProvider = StaticCredentialsProvider.create(awsCreds)
implicit val staticCreds = S3Attributes.settings(S3Ext(context.system).settings.withCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider)
  .withS3RegionProvider(new AwsRegionProvider {val getRegion: Region = Region.US_EAST_2}))

val d = S3.checkIfBucketExists(action.bucket)
d foreach { msg =>"mgs: " + msg.toString)}

When I run this I get

 msgs: NotExists

But the bucket referred to by action.bucket does exist, and I can access it using these credentials. What's more, when I modify the credentials (by changing the secret key), I get the same message. What I should get, according to the documentation, is AccessDenied.

I got to this point because I didn't think the environment was picking up on the right credentials - hence all the hard-coded values. But now I don't really know what could be causing this behavior.


Update: The action object is just a case class consisting of a bucket and a path. I've checked in debug that action.bucket and action.path point to the things they should be - in this case an S3 bucket. I've also tried the above code with just the string bucket name in place of action.bucket.


There are 1 answers

user7654493 On BEST ANSWER

Just my carelessness . . .

An errant copy added an extra implicit system to the mix. Some changes were made to implicit materializers in akka 2.6 and I think those, along with the extra implicit actor system, made for a weird mix.