its my first Question here :)
Im trying to develop a C++ Application which i can use to control a Lego NXT remotely from my Desktop PC over Bluetooth. To achieve this i want to use the QBluetooth Library(and other QtGui Libs aswell).
My Problem is the QBluetooth Headers are not there. When i look into the /usr/include/qt5 directory i get this:
paul@Paul-RoboAG:/usr/include/qt5$ ls
QtConcurrent QtNetwork QtPrintSupport QtQuickTest QtXml
QtCore QtOpenGL QtQml QtSql
QtDBus QtOpenGLExtensions QtQuick QtTest
QtGui QtPlatformSupport QtQuickParticles QtWidgets
paul@Paul-RoboAG:/usr/include/qt5$ find | grep Blue
paul@Paul-RoboAG:/usr/include/qt5$ find | grep blue
I dont find the headers, and when i want to include them in my App(in QtCreator) the AutoCompletion wont find it. I Already added "bluetooth" to "QT" in my project file.
# Project created by QtCreator 2014-05-16T21:06:59
QT += core gui
QT += bluetooth
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
TARGET = NXT-Control
SOURCES += main.cpp\
HEADERS += nxtcontroller.h
Can you help me with my problem?
This works for me:
1) wget
2) tar xvpf qtconnectivity-opensource-src-5.3.0-RC.tar.xz
3) cd qtconnectivity-opensource-src-5.3.0-RC
4) qmake -r
5) make
6) sudo make install
Then, I see this:
As for
find | grep blue
-> you may wish to take a look at the-(i)name
option.QT += core gui
is needless because the core and gui modules are added by default. I know that QtCreator adds it by default, but it is wrong. It is good to be aware of it.