can't decode a urlencoded utf-8 string

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Here's the string:


I think it's cyrillic and I need it converted to something readable.

mb_detect_encoding() states it's ASCII.

When I do iconv('ASCII', 'UTF-8', $str), it shows me the same string.

Judging by this article, looks like it's in UTF-8, but how do I decode that into readable UTF?

Please help

UPDATE the following site was able to decode the text: (thanks to Faiz Rasool for pointing out). The preset I used there is source=utf-8; postfilter=urlencoded, but I've no idea how to reproduce that on my server.


There are 1 answers

Faiz Rasool On

This string look like url encoded try this.

$str = "%d0%91%d0%b5%d0%b7";
echo utf8_encode(urldecode($str));