I am trying to connect to my rabbitmq server. I am using
require 'carrot'
@client = Carrot.new(:host => 10.xx.xx.xx, :port => 5672)
q = @client.queue("my_queue")
I am getting this error
"#<Carrot::AMQP::Server::ServerDown: Connection reset by peer>"
How do I check if my server is down? and how do I restart it?
Can you help us to help you with some additional info?
If you have access to the command line of the server where the broker is running, you should be able to see an Erlang process if you execute ps -ef | grep rabbitmq
To start the broker, run
I am able to run your code OK against RabbitMQ 3.0.1 running on my local machine with latest Ruby and Carrot gem, the only correction was that the host IP address needed to be enclosed in double quotes.