I'm trying to create a Telegram bot with Aiogram I live in Xi'An China where telgramm.org is blocked.
import asyncio
from aiogram import Dispatcher, Bot, F
from aiogram.types import Message
token = 'tokentokentokentokentokentokentokentoken'
bot = Bot(token, parse_mode='HTML')
dp = Dispatcher()
@dp.message(F.text == '/start')
async def start(message: Message):
await message.answer(f'hi, <b>{message.from_user.first_name}</b>')
async def main():
await dp.start_polling(bot)
if __name__ == '__main__':
OUTPUT: aiogram.exceptions.TelegramNetworkError: HTTP Client says - ClientConnectorError: Cannot connect to host api.telegram.org:443 ssl:default [The semaphore timeout period has expired]
I use vpn, and can access this site in the browser no problem
import requests
response = requests.get('https://ipinfo.io/json')
OUTPUT: { "ip": "", "city": "Hatsudai", "region": "Tokyo", "country": "JP", "loc": "35.6652,139.6701", "org": "AS41378 Kirino LLC", "postal": "155-0031", "timezone": "Asia/Tokyo", "readme": "https://ipinfo.io/missingauth" } JP
Not one of the dozens of proxy servers that i tried worked so far
import asyncio
from aiogram import Dispatcher, Bot, F
from aiogram.types import Message
from aiogram.client.session.aiohttp import AiohttpSession
session = AiohttpSession(proxy="socks5://")
token = '6580655645:AAHSLO3gIQTSgGkHcERE7OEAtBfBWcEf9uw'
bot = Bot(token, session=session, parse_mode='HTML')
dp = Dispatcher()
@dp.message(F.text == '/start')
async def start(message: Message):
await message.answer(f'hi, <b>{message.from_user.first_name}</b>')
async def main():
await dp.start_polling(bot)
if __name__ == '__main__':
OUTPUT: python_socks._errors.ProxyConnectionError: [Errno 22] Couldn't connect to proxy [The semaphore timeout period has expired]
The requests module appears to just ignore proxies altogether
import requests
proxies = {'socks5': "socks5://"}
response = requests.get('https://ipinfo.io/json', proxies=proxies)
OUTPUT: { "ip": "", "city": "Hatsudai", "region": "Tokyo", "country": "JP", "loc": "35.6652,139.6701", "org": "AS41378 Kirino LLC", "postal": "155-0031", "timezone": "Asia/Tokyo", "readme": "https://ipinfo.io/missingauth" } JP