Can't add LeftBarButton using storyboard in ios8

82 views Asked by At

I am creating project in which I have to use leftBarButton and rightBarButton. I am using storyboard and I dragged barButton it set right hand side(Done button) but When I want to drag another bar button on left hand side(Cancel button) of the navigation bar I am not able to drag it.

enter image description here

enter image description here

So, anyone can tell me how can I add barbutton left hand side?


There are 2 answers

Mitul Marsoniya On

its very easy to add just see that and follow navigation bar item flow.


Natasha On

I think, you were trying to drag the UIBarButton under the navigation Item in left side like the screen shoot below- enter image description here

Don't dop that way. For some reason, it doesn't work. Rather than that try to drag it on the right hand side on your View Controller in Storyboard.

enter image description here

The see image above. May be that help.