Can't add an inline keyboard to a user bot message

119 views Asked by At

I have a problem when creating a user bot on the Pyrogram API. When sending a message to my Favorites, I specify an inline keyboard object, but it is not sent with the message (BUT THE MESSAGE WAS SENT SUCCESSFULLY WITHOUT A KEYBOARD). It does not output errors to the console. Is it possible that my user bot was banned for something and therefore cannot send inline keyboards?

code handler:

    async def handler1(client: Client, event: Message):
        key1 = InlineKeyboardButton(text='123', callback_data='123')
        key = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[key1]])
        await client.send_message(chat_id = cfg.technical_channel, text = 'Message', reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(
                [InlineKeyboardButton(text = 'buttontext', callback_data=  'btn1')]


async def handler_query(client: Client, query: CallbackQuery):
    if == 'btn1':
        await client.answer_callback_query()

All handlers load SUCCESSFULLY I really need your help, thank you!

I thought about trying to change the user bot's token, but then I found out that the token cannot be changed.


There are 1 answers

ColinShark On

Users cannot attach an InlineKeyboard.