Can't add a hashtag # into my share twitter button

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I have a twitter share button on my page. I use this code because I want a custom icon. My problem is I can't seem to add a hashtag into the custom text. Where it says 'custom text' is where I input my tweet.

  <a class="icon-twitter" rel="nofollow"
           ' custom text',
     return false">
     <i class="visuallyhidden"><img class="social-media" src="images/twitter.png"/></i>

There are 2 answers

David Hedlund On

You need to encode the #. This is because the # will otherwise be treated as the hash part of the url, and not a part of the text querystring, just like a & would be interpreted as a separator between two querystring parameters, rather than a part of the value, unless you encode it to %26. If the "custom text" can be anything, use encodeURIComponent:

'' + encodeURIComponent('#custom #text')

If the value will always be hard coded, replacing the # with %23 would do:

' %23text'
chantellebradley On

This is better for sharing hashtags:,Tag2
