can't access composite column from cassandra cli

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I'm trying to run a 'get' from the Cassandra CLI (using Cassandra 1.2) to take a look at a value involved with a specific row and column. When running list , I can see the row keys and column names/values but when doing a get for one of the specific row and columns, I get a 'Value not found' error. The CF I am trying to query has a comparator of CompositeType(DateType, CompositeType(UTF8Type, Int32Type)), and doing something like

get CF['rowkey']['2014-01-01 00\\:00\\:00+0000:UTF8Type\\:2'];

yields no results, even though you can see from running

get CF['rowkey'];

that is a valid combination of row of column. What do I have to do to be able to query for this row and column with this comparator?

Column family information:

column_type = 'Standard'
Key validation class: UTF8Type
Cells sorted by: CompositeType(DateType, CompositeType(UTF8Type, Int32Type))
Compaction Strategy: LeveledCompactionStrategy

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