Can someone help clarify Aadhaar Biometric authentication API calls with sample code?

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I'm new to Aadhaar biometric APIs.

I am getting the below error message:

Proto Error code 810. (Missing biometrics in Authentication.)

using the following key and Morpho 1300 fingerprint reader:


Following is the XML data format for authentication API:

<Auth uid=”” tid=”” ac=”” sa=”” ver=”” txn=”” lk=””>
 <Uses pi=”” pa=”” pfa=”” bio=”” bt=”” pin=”” otp=””/>
 <Tkn type=”” value=””/>
 <Meta udc=”” fdc=”” idc=”” pip=”” lot=”G|P” lov=””/>
 <Skey ci=”” ki=””>encrypted and encoded session key</Skey>
 <Data type=”X|P”>encrypted PID block</Data>
 <Hmac>SHA-256 Hash of Pid block, encrypted and then encoded</Hmac>
 <Signature>Digital signature of AUA</Signature>

When using PID block in XML format (which is the default), following is the format for “Pid” element:

<Pid ts=”” ver=””>
 <Demo lang=””>
 <Pi ms=”E|P” mv=”” name=”” lname=”” lmv=”” gender=”M|F|T” dob=””
  dobt=”V|D|A” age=”” phone=”” email=””/>
 <Pa ms=”E” co=”” house=”” street=”” lm=”” loc=””
  vtc=”” subdist=”” dist=”” state=”” pc=”” po=””/>
 <Pfa ms=”E|P” mv=”” av=”” lav=”” lmv=””/>
 <Bio type=”FMR|FIR|IIR” posh=””>encoded biometric</Bio>
 <Pv otp=”” pin=””/>

Verify request

<Request requestId=”” version=”1.0” timeStamp=””>
 <Verify referenceUrl=”” maxResults=”” targetFMR=””>
 <Biometrics> <!-- Optional -->
 <Biometric type=”FMR|FIR|IIR”>
 Encoded (base64) biometric
 <referenceId id=””/>

Verify Response

<Response requestId=”” timeStamp=””>
 <Return value=”” [failureReason=””]/>
 <CandidateList count=”” more=””>
 <Candidate referenceId=”” scaledScore=””/>

Can someone help clarify Aadhaar Biometric authentication API call?


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