Can PWM Trigger DMAC Memory Reads on Atmel SAM3X?

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While I'm not new to embedded programming, I'm new to the Atmel SAM3X microcontroller. I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to use DMA to read a value from a memory-mapped register (a GPIO port, in this case) into a buffer periodically at say 1/4 the clock rate (faster than can be accomplished by software copying or software triggering of DMA), then turn the buffer over to the USB DMA to send it out the USB cable.

I see that PWM is one of the peripherals that can perform DMAC "transmissions", and I also see that the DMA channel registers have separate spots for source address and source peripheral identifier. Are the address and peripheral identifier independent and potentially co-operational? Could you use PWM as the source peripheral as a clock divider but then copy from the port data address? If so, how might this be accomplished in terms of register writes (I ask to try to circumvent the need for trial and error); if not, is there any other way of sampling a memory location at regular high but sub-clock speeds?


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