wrap-cors does not return access control headers when there is a bad request against my api endpoint. I believe this is because I am using a exception handler which might be blocking the middleware from running. I want to know how I can still execute the middleware for this route and append the cors headers to the response of bad requests.
exception handler
(defn- bad-request-handler
"Handles bad requests."
(ring/response {:status "bad request"})))
(def app
{:exceptions {:handlers
{::ex/request-validation (bad-request-handler response/bad-request)}}}
(POST "/" [] :body [item {(schema/required-key :item) schema/Bool}]
:middleware [#(wrap-cors % :access-control-allow-origin [#".*"]
:access-control-allow-methods [:post])]
:responses {200 {:description "ok"}
400 {:description "bad request"}} item)))
I've decided to append my own headers rather than using r0man/ring-cors. I can determine the contents of the
by retrieving the:request-method
value from the request. However, this makes the assumption that the bad request handler will only ever be called by valid routes.I'm still not really sure why the cors headers are only added when the request is allowed.