I have some external services running on AWS with lambda and API gateway I'm using istio and i've configure a service entry to api gateway and it works.
I'm wondering if i can use envoy filter in istio to invoke the lambda function directly like on gloo. https://docs.solo.io/gloo/1.0.0/advanced_configuration/fds_mode/ so i'll be able to remove one hop
I see that in envoy documentation it's still experimental but i would like to know if i can use envoy filter in istio to achieve it ? https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/configuration/http/http_filters/aws_lambda_filter
Based on that istio is build on envoy I would say there shouldn't be any problem with that being configured in envoy filter.
I have checked the httpbin example with
istioctl proxy-config bootstrap
is here, so you should be able to configure that.Additionally you mentioned that you can do that on gloo, so maybe you could try to connect both istio and gloo together, like mentioned here and configure that with gloo?
There is tutorial about that in gloo documentation.