Can I use the Stanford-nlp ner project to parse names of different formats?

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I might be barking up the wrong tree: is it possible to use the Stanford-nlp Named Entity Recognition application to parse names that have wildly-different formats?

I'm using the NuGet version of said app in a c# application, as described in this link:, and the english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz model.

The Name field that I need to parse might contain any of these values:

  • Joe Jones
  • Joe Jones, Jane Jones
  • Joe & Jane Jones
  • Joe and Jane Jones
  • Jones, Joe
  • Jones, Joe and Jane

Using the english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz model, Stanford-nlp NER handles the first two fine, putting them correctly into their own PERSON nodes, but not the rest.

Is there a model file out there I could use that would do a more thorough job of parsing names?


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