Can I split compressed files into json components in Camel via Spring DSL

389 views Asked by At

In a nutshell, I need to take a gzipped file containing json very similar to this example, unzip it (I know how to do that), get each json object as a string and push it to AMQ from where it will be popped to a webservice. I'm fine with all of this with one object, but I will be receiving a file that represents an array. If this were an array of strings or xml, I see how Camel processes it, but I don't see a way to split json. Also, this will require streaming as these files can be very large. Edited to try to make request clearer, and provide a sample json.

    "rickenbackerRepair": {
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    "repairShop": {
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    "rickenbackerRepair": {
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            "guitarTargetCompletionDate": "",
            "guitarTargetCompletionTime": "",
            "guitarCompletionDate": "",
            "guitarCompletionTime": ""
        "locationOfguitar": {
            "city": "",
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                "typeJudgmentFlag": ""
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                "subletFlag": ""

    "stl": {
        "subtotal": [{
            "totalType": "",
            "totalTypeCode": "",
            "subtotalDetail": {
                "taxableAmount": ""

There are 1 answers

Adam Hawkes On

You should be able to use a jsonpath expression to split the incoming message (file) and process each element individually.

  <from uri="file://path" />
    <to uri="direct:doSomething">