When I run ARcore on my mobile phone with SM-G95000, the project will crash. Is my device not supported ARcore?
Can I run ARCORE with the SM-G9500?
808 views Asked by 夏蒋勇 AtThere are 4 answers

Unfortunately, the SM-G9500
is one of the Samsung Galaxy S8 models that is not supported by the current developer preview release of ARCore. Only the specific model numbers listed here are currently supported.

I run ARCore on Samsung Galaxy S8+ SM-G955F which is not officially supported, so I believe that you can run too.
- Read your Model Number from Settings. In my case SM-G955F.
- Open ARCore sample project in AndroidStudio, open HelloArActivity.java and go to onCreate method.
Add Log here.
if (!mSession.isSupported(mDefaultConfig)) { Toast.makeText(this, "This device does not support AR", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); Log.d(TAG, "Fingerprint=" + Build.FINGERPRINT); finish(); return; }
Run this code and read fingerprint. In my case it contains
Now go to ARCore folder.
- Extract arcore-android-sdk-master/libraries/arcore_client.aar
- Go to extracted folder and extract classes.jar
- Edit /com/google/atap/tangoservice/SupportedDevices.class I use MidnightCommander in GNU/Linux system. Shortcut to edit is Shift+F3 then F4 then find similar string to yours fingerprint. In my case it was "dreamltexx/dreamlte:7". I changed this string to "dream2ltexx/dream2lte"
- Use 'jar' tool to zip back to classes.jar or use 'zip' and change extension to .jar.
- Zip back all arcore_client and change extension to .aar
- Replace aar library and rebuild in AndroidStudio.
In my case it works. Happy hacking!

The Samsung Galaxy S8 (SM-G9500) was not supported by the developer preview release of ARCore but it's supported starting with version 1.0 (using 1.0 will fix your crash) You can check the list of latest supported devices here: https://developers.google.com/ar/discover/#supported_devices (even the Galaxy S7 is now supported)
Try a modified version of the
which removes the check: https://github.com/tomthecarrot/arcore-for-allEDIT: If you use such "hacked" versions, you have to expect a bad tracking performance since the devices have to be properly calibrated.